Oasis Staff


The Oasis Crew includes

Front row, Left to Right: Brandon Hearn-Warehouse Manager, Hannah Smith-Bookeeper, Jason Daniels-Owner, Jamie Lewis-Store Manager, Barbara Tedder-Assistant Store Manager, Eva Smith-Bookeeper, Tommy Griffith-Service

Middle row, Left to Right:  Joe Edwards-Service Manager, Prentiss Garrard-Service Tech., Randy Daniels-Service Tech.

Back row, Left to right: Sam Edwards-Service Tech., Zack Branan-Service Tech., Jordan Ledlow-Construction, Robert Harrison-Construction, Keith Lewis-Construction Manager, Dustin Lewis-Construction Supervisor

Oasis Pools and Spa’s is a family owned and operated company.

To learn more about what you need to know in choosing a pool design and construction company and what makes Oasis Pools and Spa’s unique, please stop in and visit or call us. We will have you makin’ a splash in no time in your new pool or spa!

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